The Museum Gift Shop
No trip to the Classic Flyers Museum is complete without a visit to our Museum Gift Shop. We are located at the entrance to the museum (access is through the AvGas Café).
The Museum Gift Shop is open 9.30am to 4.00pm 7 Days a week.
Ticket Sales
The Museum Gift Shop plays a fundamental role in supporting Classic Flyers operation. Not only do we sell museum entry tickets. We also take bookings for Adventure Flights in our Classic Aircraft as well as Glider Flights on behalf of the local Tauranga Glider Club.
Gifts & Souvenirs
The Classic Flyers museum Gift Shop gives you the opportunity to take a memory home with you. We have a great selection of aviation related gifts and souvenirs. We have a comprehensive range of toys, books, models, clothing, DVD’s, posters and beautiful art prints, and collectables and more to choose from. We have something for the aviation enthusiast in everyone… young and old. Many of the toys are priced reasonably so that families and young visitors can take home reminders of their visit without breaking the bank.
Aviation Inspiration
Every purchase that you make goes into supporting the museum and the care and maintenance of the exhibits in it. One of the museums roles is to inspire the younger generations to be air-minded and to get involved in aviation. Many of our toys and gifts support this aim by being of an educational type or requiring assembly or reading that will inspire them to fly, design, build, and learn the art and science of aviation.
School Visits Bookings
The museum is committed to helping our children learn about aviation. Teachers are invited to contact us to discuss booking in school trips to the museum. We cater for children from Preschool up to Intermediate. We can also provide references material and access our resources that will support the NZ Education Curriculum around Aviation. For more information or to make a school trip booking, talk to us in the Gift Shop or refer to the Museum Education page of our website for more information.
Children's Birthday Party Bookings
In keeping with the idea that we want to make Aviation Fun we also offer Children’s Birthday Parties in the museum. Bookings for these very popular parties are essential can be made in the Gift Shop or directly on-line on the
Children’s Party Page of our website.
Donation of Memorabilia for Archiving
If you have a relative that has passed away or someone who is downsizing their home and does not know what to do with their collection of aviation books, models or other memorabilia we offer the facility of accepting these items as donations to the museum for archiving (and possible display). So if you want to find a good home for your aviation collection, call in to see us in the Gift Shop.
New Look Gift Shop
The Gift Shop has undergone a renovation and has a bright new exciting look that will whet the appetite of visitors to the main museum. Garry and Tracy are proud of the product line up and are more than happy to help you find the right gift or product or to help you with any of the other services we offer.
See you soon at Classic Flyers.